What is a Flood?
A flood results from days of heavy rain and/or melting snows, when rivers rise and go
over their banks.
What is a flash Flood?
A flash flood is sudden flooding that occurs when
floodwaters rise rapidly with no warning within several hours of an intense
rain. They often occur after intense rainfall from slow moving thunderstorms.
In narrow canyons and valleys, floodwaters flow faster than on flatter ground
and can be quite destructive.
Do flash floods hurt people?
Flash floods are the No. 1 weather-related killer in the
U.S. Nearly 80% of flash flood deaths are auto related. Know beforehand if your
area is a flood risk.
How much water is needed for your car to float away?
A mere 2 feet of water can float a large vehicle
or even a bus. This is why you should never drive through flooded roads. Just 6
inches of rapidly moving flood water can knock a person down.
Know the Lingo
- means that an overflow of water from a river is possible for your
FLASH FLOOD WATCH - means that flash
flooding is possible in or close to the watch area. Flash Flood Watches can be
put into effect for as long as 12 hours, while heavy rains move into and across
the area.
FLOOD WARNING - means flooding
conditions are actually occurring in the warning
FLASH FLOOD WARNING - means that flash
flooding is actually occurring in the warning area. A warning can also be
issued as a result of torrential rains, a dam failure or snow
Flood Safety Tips
Have a disaster plan and prepare a disaster supplies kit for your
home and car. Include a first aid kit, canned food, can opener, bottled water,
battery-operated radio, flashlight, protective clothing and written
instructions on how to turn off electricity, gas, and water.
DURING A FLOOD: Move to a safe area quickly. Move
to higher ground, like the highest floor of your home. Avoid areas subject to
sudden flooding like low spots and canyons. Avoid already flooded areas. If a
flowing stream of water is above your ankles stop, turn around and go the other
way. Do not attempt to drive through a flooded road. The depth of the water is
not obvious and the road may be washed away. If your car stalls, leave it and
seek higher ground. Rapidly rising water may engulf the car, pick it up and
sweep it away. Kids should never play around high water, storm drains or
viaducts. Be cautious at night, because its harder to see flood dangers. If
told to evacuate, do so immediately.
AFTER THE FLOOD: Always, boil drinking water.
Electrical equipment should be checked and dried before used.